Thursday, March 05, 2009

Yesterday ... all my troubles were still with me ... and not far away at all!

No news at all ... nothing from the Courts, nothing from the solicitor, nothing from Jenny. I did receive a letter from the Court which seemed to suggest that my request for adjournment would probably not be heard ... so right now I don't know if I am married or single ... what a pain in the bum.

The only ray of light was an email from my prospective employer, telling me that I had passed through all stages, so it is just a pre-appointment check now, and join the queue to get in the door. Cold comfort, welcome obviously, but not generating the excitement yesterday that it would have done had it arrived on any other day.

Still, one step in the future looks a little more settled, and that should also help me to cope with day-to-day issues, so things are looking one shade less black than I had anticipated.

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